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Tennessee drivers should prepare for more nighttime trips

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

The days are getting shorter as winter gets closer.

Also, with Daylight Savings Time ending for the year in early November, many Memphis residents will be traveling both to and from work in the dark or, at best, in the twilight.

Those who operate vehicles on Tennessee’s roads need to be careful all the time, but nighttime driving presents some special hazards.

The National Safety Council lists some of these dangers that are unique to driving after dark:

  • There is reduced visibility at night. Even with quality headlights on the “high” setting, people can only see about 500 feet ahead of them. That means drivers will have much less time to react to an emergency.
  • Artificial light like headlights can create problems with glare. Getting temporary blinded by another driver’s headlights or even the street lighting is hazardous.
  • As people age beyond about 30, their ability to see at night diminishes.
  • People are not naturally nocturnal. Even among those used to working at nighttime, fatigue and drowsiness are more common after dark.
  • While not directly related to where the sun is in the sky, it is important to remember that in the winter, much of the morning and evening rush hours pass in the dark. That means more traffic but less visibility.
  • Likewise, there are more impaired drivers on the road after dark.

Some ways the National Safety Council recommends for motorists to stay safe include slowing down and paying careful attention to the road.

The Council also recommends that motorists check to make sure their headlights are properly adjusted and that they themselves stay well rested for their nighttime drives.

Memphis residents who suffer injuries in nighttime accidents have options

Although most people drive during the daylight, about half of all deadly traffic accidents happen at night. There are also many other accidents that happen at night which leave victims with serious injuries.

Too often, these accidents are preventable with a little extra care and caution on the part of the driver who caused the accident. Tennessee victims of unsafe nighttime drivers have legal options in this state to recover compensation for their losses.