Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, a child support order can have a tremendous impact on your life. If you’re a custodial parent, the amount of support you receive can shape the life you’re able to build for your child and mold what their overall...
Initiating the divorce process in Tennessee: Where to start?
As difficult as ending a marriage is, it's important to initiate the divorce process correctly. In Tennessee, this means meeting certain specific requirements to begin the divorce process and then following the necessary steps. Starting the divorce process can feel...
How does a divorce affect my estate plan?
Going through a divorce is a major life event that can significantly affect your estate plan. If you are in Memphis, Tennessee, and facing a divorce, it is important to understand how this change impacts your estate planning documents and what steps you should take to...
Are there any benefits to try and reach an uncontested divorce?
Divorce can be a stressful and costly process. However, an uncontested divorce in Tennessee offers a less complicated and more amicable alternative. By understanding the benefits and conditions of an uncontested divorce, couples can make informed decisions that might...
Resolving child custody and support issues during divorce
As a parent, you cherish all the time you spend with your children. You likely have a weekly routine of school, sports, extracurriculars and homework where you do not always have meaningful interactions. However, you also have quality time with your children, which...
How common is divorce in the United States?
It's often said that divorce rates are rising in the United States, but this doesn't hold up to analysis. In fact, the rate has been falling steadily for decades. In 2000, there were 4 divorces per 1,000 Americans. In 2021, there were only 2.5 per 1,000 people....
Divorce, alimony and the standard of living
Divorce is hard on everyone, but in the long term, a divorce can be much harder on the finances of one ex-spouse than the other. In many marriages, one spouse earns more than the other, but because they share their income, they enjoy the same standard of living. When...
What is the difference between contested and uncontested divorce?
Divorce can be a confusing and intimidating process for many Tennessee residents. If this is your first divorce, you might have many questions about the steps involved. You may also hear various terms used and have no idea what they mean or if they apply to your case....
Termination of parental rights in Tennessee
A parent generally has the right to make all decisions for their child, but in some serious situations their parental rights may be terminated. This occurs in situations where the court determines that it is in the child’s best interest. Reasons for termination It may...
Reaching a family law resolution outside the courtrrom
As any parent can attest, raising a child comes with great responsibilities and decision making. This is amplified when a divorce occurs. Parenting separately may not be easy or ideal; however, numerous parents in Tennessee and elsewhere are faced with the need to...