Post-divorce, childless ex-couples have the options to completely part ways and never see each other again. However, post-divorce, parents do not have this option. They will likely spend the rest of their lives interacting with each other in one way or another. And,...
Child Custody
Is your child being exposed to parental substance abuse?
If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably worried about your child being exposed to parental substance abuse when spending time with your ex. This is a legitimate concern. A child who is exposed to an environment where drug or alcohol abuse is present can be...
Creating your parenting plan in your custody case
Tennessee parents starting the custody process often have many questions about what to expect. After filing your custody petition, you will be asked by the court to submit a parenting plan. Child custody in Tennessee, as in many states, centers around what is in the...
Factors Determining Child Custody in Tennessee
What May Impact the Final Outcome of a Custody Case? Determining child custody can be difficult for parents who wish to spend as much time with their child as possible. What they might not be aware of, however, is that Tennessee has specific factors written into...
Understanding Key Tennessee Child Custody Terms
Explaining the Terms You Need to Know When preparing to go through a child custody case in Tennessee, one might hear a number of terms they might not be entirely familiar with. Rest assured that the concepts behind the terms are similar, but it’s important to know the...